To illustrate how the interacting biopsychological systems concept works, let’s assume that the person having chronic pain on knee and inherited some factors that affect his weight (biological system). The meals in the family (social system) and foods taken in the family and from the hawker centres usually contain high fat and high kilo-joules foods. He preferred to engage in sedentary activities such as playing manjong, slow walk once a week and watching television (psychological system).
We can also use the biopsychological model also as a guide to promote people’s health and recovery from illness. In the biological system, understanding the aetiology of the patellofemoral joint syndrome (weaknesses of related muscles, the postural problems etc.) is important to provide immediate appropriate treatment. Weight control management through body composition monitoring on energy balance between the dietary intake and exercise energy expenditure is essential.
By using the psychological methods such as goal setting, relaxation and imagery in Taichi exercise programming (correction on increased lumbar lordosis, excess pelvic tilt, poor Taichi motor movement; and engage in the moderate Taichi/walking exercise daily etc.) to increase motivation, self efficacy and exercise adherence.
Peoples are doing Taichi practices individually, in small groups and big groups (e.g. in the Yew Tee RC, coaching by NewAgeTaichi); they have bonding, multi-racial and social harmony. People who have a high degree of social support from family, friends, instructors and coaches are healthier and live longer than people who do not.
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2. Brukner, P., & Khan, K. (2007). Clinical Sports Medicine (3rd ed.). NSW: McGraw Hill.
3. Caltabiano, M. L., Byrne, D., Martin, P. R., & Sarafino, E. P. (2002). Health Psychology : Biopsychosocial Interactions (1st ed.): John Wiley & Son Australia, Ltd.
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